Safari Hamuli

Full stack web developer

I'm passionate about using technology to solve real-world problems, and I'm always looking for new ways to learn and grow.

28 Followers81 Repos
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Empower young Congolese and African investors with YOUS, a micro-investment project that fosters financial inclusion, promotes entrepreneurship, and drives economic development.

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Motorcycle Rental Store

🏍️ Book rides effortlessly with our sleek Ruby on Rails, Next.js, Redux, and PostgreSQL web app. Embark on seamless journeys with Motorcycle! Navigate the city with ease and enjoy the ultimate riding experience.

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Web Go-Getter

🚀Web Go-Getter: Conquer web and mobile app projects with our powerful task management platform. Streamline your development process, boost efficiency, and deliver exceptional results.

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Full-stack web developer with a passion for technology and web development. I began my journey as a developer at a young age, and have since learned a wide range of skills. I am proficient in a variety of programming languages and technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Python, SQL, and MySQL. I am also experienced in database design and administration, software architecture and design principles. I am always eager to learn new technologies and expand my skillset.